Electronic Medical Records
Kay Hotker
Project Change Manager for the EMR/DMR project.
My background is, I was Nurse Unit Manager at Knox Private Hospital in the Cardiac/cardiothoracic unit for the last 6 years. I have a post Graduate in Critical care-cardiac nursing. My role in this project is to support the clinical staff with the changes and support the role out of the EMR. If you would like further information please contact me on either 0437 172 036 or via email kay.hotker@healthscope.com.au
This is an Electronic Medical Record. Information is collected using Electronic forms and creates an easily accessible medical record at any time anywhere. This includes Risk assessments such as VTE/Falls and currently 5 Care paths.
The following risk assessments are on the EMR – Falls, VTE and PAC. Information from previous day’s assessments can be pre populated into today’s assessment – if the patient condition has not changed – that saves you time!
The assessment screens look like this…..
Easy to use drop down boxes. The patient score is at the bottom…
June 2017
This is a screen shot of what the patient list screen looks like – from this screen you can access you allocated patient, search for patients using UR or Surname. It gives you a snap shot of the patient – who the VMO is, admission diagnosis, alerts and identifying factors.
What is a DMR?
This is a Digital (or scanned) medical record. Patient forms that are currently not in the EMR – have now been barcoded and will be scanned post discharge into the patients EMR. This means, that for subsequent admissions all files will be accessible on the patients EMR.
Will we still use paper?
Yes – the first “Go-Live “of the EMR/DMR will be a “hybrid EMR”. Meaning that some current ‘paperwork” will be electronic and some will remain paper copies. As mentioned above – these patient paper forms will be scanned into the patients EMR.
How many computers will we have?
Every rostered staff nurse on the wards will have access to a WOW (work station on wheels) – and an IPAD for the In charge nurse as well.
Will I get any training or education?
ABSOLUTELY……first round of inservices and show and tells are scheduled in every department beginning the 20th March. Access to training and further education will be in the weeks leading up to “Go live”. Please make sure when you see the information regarding training that you make yourself available. We want everyone to be comfortable and able to use the EMR.
Will medication charts be part of the EMR?No, not in the first release of the EMR. This is something that Healthscope is working towards – so it will be coming, just not in the June Go-Live.
Will the Care Path be automatically assigned to the patient?
No , just like with the paper care paths. Nursing staff will have to choose the appropriate care path for that patient’s admission.
Does this mean NO more filing of records for the Ward Clerks?
No, ward clerks will still have to file. Patient records though, will be in chronological date order for like forms, not in HMR order- the scanning program, will sort them into appropriate files….this will save ward clerks time!!
What if I don’t have my own Login?
It is essential that all staff login to the EMR with their own login. The same login that you currently access Webpas with. When information is saved to the EMR - the name of the person logged into the EMR will be saved against the entry. If you don’t have a login, or have forgotten your username or password – please speak to your manager or contact Kay for further assistance.
Will all previous medical records be scanned to the EMR?
No – only the discharges post Go-Live, will be scanned into the EMR. Previous admissions will remain as they currently are – paper medical records, within the current patient history.
Internal referrals can be generated in the EMR – to all Allied Health – Physiotherapy, Speech Pathology, and Diabetes Educator for example.
Progress notes easily accessible, easy to read, can access ALL disciplines notes and accessible at any time by multiple users. Progress notes can also be sorted by disciplines in the Read Progress Tabs – you will be able to select just Nursing or just Allied health progress notes.
Scanned documents are easily accessible from previous admissions, are of a very high quality and very easy to read.